A group wearing pink outside a tennis club

Holding a wear it pink event brings my mum back - I do it in her memory

Since losing her mum to breast cancer, Sue has been holding a wear it pink event for the last 6 years, raising an incredible £2,772 in the process. Find out about her most recent event and tips for holding your own.  

I’ve been wearing it pink for 6 years 

In 2016, I started to support wear it pink, making 2022 my 6th year. I really enjoy it; my day consists of playing tennis where we all wear pink - even the men have been known to wear a pink tutu! 

We always have tea, coffee, and a cake stall, along with a raffle. The raffle does really well, and everyone loves getting involved. One of my passions is gardening, and this year I thought I’d try a plant stall at my wear it pink event. I contacted my local garden centre, and they kindly donated all the compost I needed for the plants. 

A group in pink outside tennis courts

The highlight this year was the amount of people joining in, the atmosphere was wonderful 

There was lots of laughter, but also some tears, because it brings back memories of people we’ve all lost to breast cancer. I ordered extra balloons to put on the tennis club gates and ordered pin badges for a suggested donation on the day too.  

When I started fundraising for wear it pink in 2016, we raised £360, and each year it’s steadily increased. My aim was to raise £600 in 2022 and I was surprised when we actually raised £770! 

My top tip would be to tell people about your fundraising 

I even told our local paper. When you’re passionate about something, it seems to take away your inhibitions about asking for help. I tell people “I’m here again” and they always get onboard to help raise money for this important cause. I’d also recommend saving the fundraising materials and using them each year because this helps recycle – it all adds up, doesn’t it?  

Feeling inspired?

Join Sue and wear it pink this October.

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