Art director Jess was blindsided by her breast cancer diagnosis. Now, she’s passionate about raising awareness and encouraging people to regularly check themselves.

I’m hardworking, stubborn and annoyingly positive  

I’ve worked in magazine publishing for 23 years and I’m currently an art director. I’m lucky enough to spend my days making pages look beautiful using designs and images. I’m obsessed with magazines and I’m sad that people don’t buy them as much as they used to. 

They’re often full of amazing journalism, they provide us with a screen break, and you can keep them forever. 

I live down on the south coast of Hastings. I grew up here by the sea, and I returned to be near family when I had my children. Like a lot of parents, my time is largely spent juggling work and kids. But whenever I can, I get into the sea and walk or run along the coast, often with my best friends. 

Jess wearing pink

My mum, Diana, is my biggest inspiration 

A one-woman factory of compassion and support, my mum is the most practical person I know. She can make anything from anything. I am and always have been in awe of her. 

To put it mildly, cancer wasn’t in the plan 

Breast cancer completely derailed my life. I put everything on hold for a year while I had intensive treatment. It affected every aspect of my life. My body was tested to its limit. I put my career on hold, and my kids were chucked on this cancer rollercoaster with me. I feel so sorry that it forced them to grow up quicker than I'd have liked. 

At every step of my treatment, I used the Breast Cancer Now site for information 

My amazing breast nurse Valerie told me about Breast Cancer Now on the day of my diagnosis.

I used the charity for information and support throughout my treatment journey, and I used its forum. I found suppliers of wigs and headscarves on the site when I lost my hair. I also did a Look Good Feel Better course, and I found some courses at Future Dreams House. 

Jess wearing pink

If wearing pink makes even 1 person check their boobs, that has to be a win 

Before my diagnosis, I never thought I’d get breast cancer. I was totally blindsided by it. I constantly think that if I’d been more vigilant with checking, I might have caught my cancer earlier and had an easier treatment journey. Raising awareness is so important. 

Pastel. Neon. Every shade in between. 

Wear pink with Jess and raise money to help fund life-changing breast cancer research and support. 

Sign up now

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