Following her breast cancer diagnosis, Rhakima is passionate about raising awareness within ethnic minority groups.

About me 

I was born in Zimbabwe and come from a very diverse cultural background. I have 2 beautiful children, my son aged 12 and my daughter aged 5. They inspire me to be the best version of myself. Everything I do, I do for them.  

My friends would tell you that I’m a very positive-minded person, no matter how much negativity I’m faced with.  

My mastectomy scar could bring hope to someone else 

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34. I made the brave decision to have a left-sided mastectomy with no reconstruction. My scar is a beautiful reminder of how I have blossomed into this resilient, strong and courageous woman, who smiled, laughed and cried when faced with the biggest adversity in life.  

I fully embrace my new body and everything that it is. My breasts do not define my femininity, sexuality or physicality. I’m a one-breasted queen who will defy how society portrays a woman, it’s not one size fits all.  

Rhakima nude pose holding a pink scarf

We need to educate ourselves about breast cancer for future generations  

I’m really passionate about raising awareness within ethnic minority groups.  

Coming from a black community, I realised that we don’t often empower, encourage and educate our adolescent girls and women with the knowledge that could save their lives. We don’t raise enough awareness about breast cancer or educate ourselves with the signs and symptoms. Rather, we hide behind the generational stigma around cancer and women’s health.  

For change to come, we need to start educating ourselves. Being a woman of colour, I want other women of colour to understand the importance of educating and advocating for themselves. Knowledge is power and it will save lives for generations to come.  

Breast cancer has changed me, and I now live life with purpose  

Going through chemo, I knew that I would lose everything that made me a woman. Instead of focusing all my energy on something I couldn’t control, I decided to dance my way through it. I openly shared my experiences across social media in the hope that it would inspire others who face adversity. 

I don’t look at breast cancer as having had a negative impact on my life. It has shaped and changed me to the be the best version of myself and it has encouraged me to live a life with purpose. Now I share my story and raise awareness in the hope that it could save someone else’s life.  

From my diagnosis to throughout my treatment, I’ve been blessed with the most amazing sisterhood. A group of women stood strong with me. They went through all the highs and lows and fully embraced every version of me. They even ran 5km with me to raise money for cancer research, 3 days after my 5th cycle of chemo. 

Rhakima wearing pink

It’s important to wear it pink 

I’m eternally grateful for Breast Cancer Now and the services they provide. It was a great experience attending one of their events and meeting other women who could relate to how I was feeling.  

The funds raised from wear it pink can help to change lives and fund life-saving research. 

Wear it pink like Rhakima

On Friday 18 October, wear pink. Raise money. Help fund life-changing breast cancer research and support. 

Sign up

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