Searching for some Afternoon Tea tips and ideas? Look no further! Here is our A-Z of everything Afternoon Tea. 

Afternoon Tea fundraising kit 

Ready to be a life-changer? The first step to taking part is signing up for Afternoon Tea, just fill out  this quick and easy form – we’ll then send you one of our fantastic fundraising kits, filled with everything you need to take part. 

Begin with a date  

Set a date and start planning. Choosing a date early on gives you and your guests something to look forward to – your very own countdown to cake! 

Once you’ve decided on a date, pop the tea-loving team an email at so we can wish you the best of luck. 

Cakes at the ready  

We’ve gathered some scrumptious recipes that you can 'chai' at home. Old favourites are always a big hit, who doesn’t love some scones with cream and jam? Whether you bake or buy, think in advance about what you want on your menu! 

Someone cutting a slice of cake

Don’t forget Gift Aid 

Gift Aid is a super easy way to maximise your fundraising. Eligible guests can choose to Gift Aid their donation, without having to add a penny more from their own pocket! 

Keep your Gift Aid form with your donation box and remember to encourage everyone who is a UK income taxpayer, who donates at your Afternoon Tea, to tick the Gift Aid column on your Gift Aid form. For every £1 donated, Breast Cancer Now will reclaim 25p of tax – how amazing is that! 

To find out more about Gift Aid, visit the HMRC website. 

Everything you need 

We have everything you need to make your event a smashing success, so take a peek at the downloads page. You’ll find posters to promote your event, exclusive games to play at your tea and delightful decorations.  

Facebook Communi-tea  

One of the great things about taking part in Afternoon Tea is that you are joining thousands of new and experienced hosts. Our Facebook group is full of friendly faces for you to ask questions, get some handy tips and see stories of success.  

Glorious gluten free pistachio cookies  

The lovely Anna has shared  her recipe for Gluten free pistachio cookies, one of many delicious recipes in our Afternoon Tea recipe book. Why not give this yummy treat a try? 

How do you say it?  

What’s the correct way to pronounce scone? Just one of many long-standing Afternoon Tea debates, such as: is it cream first or jam? Are sandwiches cut in rectangles or fingers? The list could go on… 

Have a bit of fun with it and make it into a fundraising poll by suggesting everyone makes a donation of £2 (no donation necessary) to vote. 

It’s all about the taste 

Worried that your bakes might not turn out looking picture perfect? Don’t worry about it, everyone knows it’s the taste that really matters! As long as there are no soggy bottoms, you’ll be fine. 

JustGiving pages  

Make donating as easy as one click! 

JustGiving has proven to be hugely successful at Afternoon Tea events and can even give people who can’t attend your tea an opportunity to donate. 

It’s quick and easy to set up a page, simple for guests to donate and the money comes straight to Breast Cancer Now. You can even create your own QR code, which you can display at your event for people to make cashless donations on the day.  

We’ve made a handy step-by-step guideon how to create and use your page, so do take a look for lots of tips. 

A plate of scones and a poster with a QR code

Kettle or urn 

A handy time-saving tip is to borrow a second kettle, so you can make more cups of tea at once. One of our amazing fundraisers was even able to borrow an urn, which made serving hot drinks a breeze! 

Let everyone know  

By hosting an Afternoon Tea, you’re doing something amazing – so shout about it!  

You could even get in touch with local press to cover your fantastic fundraising, we have a press pack to help you do this so do get in touch if this is something your interested in. You can give us a call on 0333 20 70 300 or drop us an email at 

Matched funding 

Matched funding is an easy way to increase the amount you raise at your Afternoon Tea. 

Simply ask your employer if they offer matched funding- if they do, you may even be able to double your fundraising total! 

Name the teddy 

Afternoon Tea isn’t all about scones and sausage rolls, it’s always a good idea to have some activities for your guests.  

We have a wide range of games and activities that you can order for free, including a fun name the teddy guessing game.  

Teddy bears on a picnic rug

Order more resources  

We have lots of amazing materials to help make your Afternoon Tea a smashing success! As well as everything that’s available on our downloads page, once you’ve signed up you can also order materials to be posted to you. 

Plan ahead 

Before the big day, make sure you plan ahead. Think about what games you want to play and how you want to raise funds – so when the day comes you can sit back and enjoy the event! 


It’s time to put on your quiz master’s hat on and get quizzical! We’ve put together an entertaining Afternoon Tea-themed quiz which we think your guests will love. 


Having a raffle at your Afternoon Tea is a great way to raise some extra pennies! We can even give you a letter to prove that you’re raising money for Breast Cancer Now, that you can show to businesses when asking for prizes. Just get in touch by emailing or calling 0333 20 70 300. 

A picnic with cake, raffle sheet and a teddy bear

Seven games to put the 'fun' in fundraising 

Having games at your Afternoon Tea is a great way to keep guests entertained and boost your fundraising. We’ve put together a blog with 7 games to put the 'fun' in fundraising, so do take a look for some inspiration.  

Teapot game 

Get your guests to guess the number of teapots for a suggested donation of £2 (no donation necessary to take part).  

Unforgettable memories 

You’ll be making wonderful memories at your Afternoon Tea, but don’t forget to take some photos at your tea so you have some lovely memories to look back at. 

We’d also love to see them! You can email them to us at or share them on social media using #AfternoonTeaNow and tagging us. 

Vital funds for people affected by breast cancer  

By holding an Afternoon Tea this summer, you’ll be helping to raise the money we need to drive forward our life-saving research and provide vital support. It will make a huge difference and we can’t thank you enough. 

When and where? 

We have some lovely invitations that you can use to invite guests to your Afternoon Tea. Once sent, there will be a real buzz and excitement about your event as everyone will be looking forward to the day. 

You can find them in your fundraising kit and you can print more by heading to our downloads page.  


Give your Afternoon Tea the X-Factor appeal! Pick a few friends to be judges and have a baking competition, awards could include; tastiest bake, most technical and best decorated. 

You can then ask guests to make a donation to taste test all the delicious baked goods.  

You’re Afternoon Tea team 

The tea-loving team is always here if you need a helping hand! If you have any questions, need advice or just want to talk about you event, you can get in touch by emailing or calling 0333 20 70 300. 

Zelma’s Clotted Cream 

Fundraiser Zelma has shared her clotted cream recipe in the Afternoon Tea Recipe Book, and it’s the perfect accompaniment for a scone and some jam. But should you put the cream on first or jam? Zelma is team jam! 

Get in touch

If you need any help or have any questions, we’re here to help! You can pop us an email, call us on 0333 20 70 300 or fill in our simple form.


Contact us

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