A group of 5 women, sat in a small semi-circle group, holding cups of tea and chatting to one another.

Younger Women with Secondaries Together in person

2 days of information and support with around 40 other women aged 45 or under who have secondary breast cancer.

This 2 day residential event is a chance to connect with women who are in a similar position to you. We provide all meals and refreshments as well as overnight accommodation on the Friday night free of charge.

We tailor all our information to younger women with secondary breast cancer. You'll attend sessions with the whole group as well as smaller break-out groups led by experts with plenty of time to ask questions. Find out more in the programme and FAQs.

Our next event is in Bristol on 9 and 10 May.

Register now

Let us know you'd like to come and register here for the next Younger Women with Secondaries Together in person event in Bristol, 9 to 10 May.


View the programme

  • Friday

    10am to 10.30am:Registration including tea and coffee

    10.30am to 11am:Welcome and introduction including icebreaker

    11am to 12.30pm: Medical update - management of secondary breast cancer in younger women

    12.30am to 1.30pm: Lunch

    1.30pm to 3pm: Choose from one of the following break-out groups: Adjusting and adapting to a life-limiting illness, supportive care, relationships and communication

    3.00pm to 3.15pm: Refreshments

    3.15pm to 4.15pm: Choose from one of the following well-being sessions: laughter workshop, exercise

    16.15pm: 4:45pm: Free time / social time

    7pm: Dinner and social time

  • Saturday

    09.30am to 11am: Clinical research and trials 

    11.00am to 11.30pm: Refreshments 

    11.30am to 1.00pm: Choose from one of the following break-out groups: Adjusting and adapting to a life-limiting illness, talking with and supporting children, sexuality and intimacy

    1.00pm to 2.15pm: Lunch 

    2.15pm to 2.45pm: Other services and support, staying in touch 

    2.45pm to 3.15pm: Mindfulness 

    3.15pm: Close 

Two woman, one with short dark hair in a black dress and a white rucksack, the other with short blonde hair wearing jeans, pulling a suitcase, entering a building from the street.

Do you need support to access our services?

Our services are always free, but we know that getting to them might still cost you money. Our access fund offers financial support so that anyone can use our services.


  • Is the event accessible?

    We hold all in-person events in venues close to a train station and with car parking on-site or close by. 

    Venues have accessible toilets and disabled car parking, and rooms are located on the ground floor or on the first floor with lift access.  We’ll send you the exact venue location and details once you’ve registered.

    If you need support from us to take part, we’ll do our best to make reasonable adjustments. You can talk to our services team by calling 0345 077 1893 or by emailing accessfund@breastcancernow.org

  • Where do you hold the events?

    We typically run two events a year:

    • Bristol in the spring 
    • Leeds or Manchester in the autumn

    We’ll send you the exact venue location and details once you’ve registered.

  • How long is the event?

    The event is 2 days, starting on Friday morning and finishing on Saturday afternoon. We provide free overnight accommodation on Friday. View the programme for more information.

  • How much does it cost to go to?

    Thanks to our generous supporters, our services are always free. This includes meals and refreshments and, for our 2-day events, overnight accommodation. If you have any dietary requirements, let us know when you register so we can make sure we cater for you.

    We know that getting to events might still cost you money – for example if you have to pay for travel. We’re committed to supporting everyone affected by breast cancer to live well. So, if you need help covering the costs of attending our services, you can apply for financial support through our Access Fund.

    We understand that unexpected events might mean you can no longer attend after registering. If you could email us in advance, that’d be great. It helps us with arrangements for groups and catering, and we might be able to offer your place to someone else.

  • Who runs the events?

    Breast Cancer Now staff run the events. We’ll process your registration and send out any relevant information. At the event, someone from our services team or a qualified therapist will facilitate the session.

  • What topics do you cover?

    Topics include research and trials, sexuality and intimacy and supportive care. And there’ll be sessions to explore the impact of secondary breast cancer on different parts of your life. View the programme for more information.

  • What happens once I’ve registered?

    Once you’ve signed up for an in-person event, we’ll email you to confirm your place. All the information you need, including the programme and venue, will be in the email.

    We’ll also phone you a few weeks before the event as a reminder and to answer any questions.

  • Who can attend the events?

    The events are open to anyone who has secondary breast cancer living in the UK. If you need help covering the costs of attending our services, you can apply for financial support through our Access Fund.

  • How many times can I attend?

    We limit attendance to once per person so that we can support as many people as possible. Take a look at our other services for people living with secondary breast cancer including monthly in person groups, monthly online groups, and monthly online groups for younger women.

  • I have a different question, can you help?

    If you have any questions that we haven’t answered, please get in touch atyoungerwomen@breastcancernow.org or 0345 077 1893. We’re always here to help.