Younger Women Together Breast Cancer Now group support service

Younger Women Together FAQs

Decide which Younger Women Together course is right for you and read our frequently asked questions.

In person events frequently asked questions

Access fund

Our services are always free, thanks to our generous supporters. But we know that using one of our services might still cost you money such as travel costs. We’re committed to supporting everyone affected by breast cancer to live well. So, if you need help covering the costs of using our services, we’re here. 

If you’re worried about the costs involved in using our services, email us at or call 0345 077 1893. Please give some brief information about your situation, so we can try our best to help. We’ll get back to you in 2 working days. 

If you’re disabled and would like to use one of our services, we’ll do everything we can to make sure they’re accessible to you.

What happens once I’ve registered for Younger Women Together? 

If you’ve signed up for an in-person event, we’ll get in touch by email to confirm your place. All the information you need will be in the email and we’ll also send you a survey to complete before the event.  

What does it cost to go to a Younger Women Together event? 

All our services are free. But there are costs for Breast Cancer Now to run our in person and online events, so if you change your mind about coming, please do let us know. 

What if I don’t feel well enough to attend?  

We totally understand that you might not feel up to coming along. If you could let us know in advance, that’d be great. It helps us with arrangements for groups and catering, and we might be able to offer your place to someone else.  

If I attend an in person event, can I also join the online events? 

You’re very welcome to join any of our Speakers Live events. You can also sign up for one of the Younger Women Together online events – but do bear in mind that the content of these is very similar to the in person events. 

What time does it start and finish? 

The events take place on a Saturday, with registration from 9.30 am.  We finish at around 4.30pm. 

Are refreshments provided?  

Lunch and refreshments are included. If you have any dietary requirements, let us know when you register so we can make sure they’re catered for.  

How many people will be there? 

Between 10 and 30 people attend our in person events.   

What topics are covered? 

Coping with change and uncertainty  

Explore the impact of your breast cancer diagnosis and find coping strategies.  

And you can choose from our smaller group discussions on: 

Fertility after treatment 

Information about the potential impact that treatment may have on fertility, temporary and permanent amenorrhoea (absence of periods), pregnancy after diagnosis, contraception and current clinical trials. Please be aware that speakers cannot predict your individual fertility status. 

Relationships and communication 

Explore how your relationships with others may have changed and think about what you most want to communicate, facilitated by an experienced therapist. We’ll also discuss ideas that may help. 

Sex and intimacy 

Changes to your relationship may be positive or negative, and some things will be easier to deal with than others. In this session, we'll explore the impact of your diagnosis and treatment on current and potential intimate and sexual relationships. We’ll also cover ways to alleviate some side effects of treatment, loss of libido, and highlight sources of more information and support.   

I don’t have an email address, where do I send my completed forms? 

Please address them to: Younger Women Together, Breast Cancer Now, FREEPOST RTJZ-RCJE-XCRC, Breast Cancer Now, St James House, Vicar Lane, Sheffield, S1 2EX. 

Do you have any COVID-19 Guidelines in place?

We want everyone to feel comfortable at our in person events. Here are the steps we’re taking to keep you safe.

What if I have other questions? 

Please email us at or call us on 0345 077 1893. We’re happy to help. 

Online events frequently asked questions

What happens once I’ve registered for Younger Women Together online events? 

If you’ve signed up for the four-week Younger Women Together online events, we’ll send you an email to confirm your place. Then every week we’ll send the Zoom details to you and anything else you need to know for the event. 

If you’ve registered for one of the Speakers Live sessions, we’ll send a confirmation email with the Zoom details and information on the speaker. 

How do the sessions take place? 

We use Zoom for our four-week Younger Women Together online events and for Speakers Live. 

I’ve never used Zoom before, can I still join? 

Yes, definitely. We’ll send you some guidance about how to set up Zoom on your mobile phone, tablet or computer. And if you’re still having trouble, one of the team will give you a call to talk you through it.  

What time do the sessions start and finish? 

Our Younger Women Together online four-week events take place on the same day each week for four weeks, and start at 7pm, finishing at 8.30pm. 

The Speakers Live sessions take place on different weekday evenings and start at 7pm or 7.30pm. 

How many people usually go to the events? 

Younger Women Together online events usually have between 30 and 50 people attending. For some sessions, we’ll split into smaller breakout groups. 
Our Speakers Live sessions will have up to 70 people attending, depending on the topic. 

Are the events private?  

During all our online events, you’ll be in a confidential, safe space. The facilitators and speakers will help to create a safe environment for group members to be as open as they want to be.  

Do I need to have my camera and microphone on? 

For Younger Women Together online events, please keep your camera on for the duration of the session. It helps the group feel more connected. If your computer doesn’t have a camera, don’t worry, you can let us know in the chat. You’re welcome to keep your microphone on, but if you’re in a noisy environment, you’ll need to mute yourself when you’re not speaking.  

For the Speakers Live sessions, your camera and microphone will be off during the session, but you will be able to ask questions using the Q&A facility. 

Can I send a question before the Speakers Live session? 

Yes, please do. We’ll forward your question to the speaker in advance of the session. You’ll also be able to ask questions during the event.  

Can I attend both the Live Speaker sessions and a Younger Women Together online event? 

Yes, you can choose to attend whichever Live Speaker sessions you want.   

Can I join the online events as well as an in person event? 

Yes, all women aged 20-45 with a diagnosis of breast cancer are welcome to join any of our Speakers Live, in person, and online events. Please bear in mind that the content for in person and online events are very similar.

What if I can’t make it?  

Ideally you’ll be able to attend each session of the four-week Younger Women Together online event, but we do understand that you might not feel up to coming along on the evening and that plans can change. If you could let us know in advance, that’d be great – it helps us with arrangements for group discussions. But don’t worry if you’re not able to. 

If you sign up for a Live Speaker session and then are unable to attend, let us know and we may be able to send you a recording of the session. These are only available for a limited time and are only available if you’d already registered for the session. We ask you not to share them with anyone else.  

If you want support or have questions, you can always call our Helpline or use the Ask Our Nurses email service. 

I don’t have an email address, where do I send my completed forms? 

To access the online events and live speaker sessions, you need an email address so we can send you Zoom details and further information.  

If you need to send us a form via the post, please address them to: Younger Women Together, Breast Cancer Now, FREEPOST RTJZ-RCJE-XCRC, Breast Cancer Now, St James House, Vicar Lane, Sheffield, S1 2EX.

What if I have other questions? 

Please email us at or call us on 0345 077 1893. We’re happy to help.