
Following a diagnosis of bilateral breast cancer, Trisha went on to have a bilateral mastectomy with a reconstruction. Trisha was 69 when she was diagnosed and her treatment included chemotherapy, Herceptin and hormone therapy. Trisha welcomes you to contact her if you have any questions relating to breast cancer.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Mastectomy and reconstruction
  • HER2 directed therapy

I was 69 at time of diagnosis, in 2016. I had a bi-lateral diagnosis. I had 4 tumours in my left breast (grade 1-3, Her2+, DCIS and LVI) and an ER+ tumour in the right breast, DCIS and a positive sentinel node.

I have 2 daughters and 4 granddaughters so after the initial shock I was concerned about implications for them however after gene testing it was confirmed I did not have the BRCA gene.

I had to have a double mastectomy and I chose immediate reconstruction with saline implants and mesh. 

I then had chemotherapy, Herceptin, bisphosphonates and I am taking Letrozole till July 2027. I cannot say it was easy but I coped by knowing this was helping me to stay alive.

At the time my older granddaughters were 14, 12, and 10 and we all lived in the same village and I was part of their childcare.  I insisted that they were told about the cancer and that I would lose my hair (not something you can hide!!) I did not want them to be scared of cancer but to know you can recover from it (had my fingers crossed at the time). I did not want them to know the type of cancer as I felt that was immaterial at that age.

As an older woman I felt at the time most of the material around seemed to be written for those less aged! Also there seemed to be fewer older women who were in the position of having had to have a double mastectomy.  Since volunteering with Some One Like Me I realise that there are more older women than I thought.

If I can help you in any way, please email me at

As an older woman I felt at the time most of the material around seemed to be written for those less aged! Since volunteering with Some One Like Me I realise that there are more older women than I thought.