
In 2020, at the age of 26, Tabby was diagnosed with a triple positive breast cancer. Tabby found it difficult to meet other people who understood how it felt to be diagnosed at such a young age and wishes she knew about Someone Like Me when she was diagnosed.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Mastectomy and reconstruction
  • HER2 directed therapy
  • Younger woman

In 2020, at just 26 years old, I was diagnosed with stage 2 triple positive breast cancer, despite having no family history or genetic mutations – it’s safe to say it was quite the shock! Being diagnosed at such a young age felt incredibly isolating, and I often struggled to find others who were going through a similar experience.

My treatment journey included 7 rounds of intensive chemotherapy, followed by a mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy, with immediate implant reconstruction. Afterwards, I completed 14 rounds of Kadcyla as maintenance chemotherapy. I also took daily Letrozole tablets alongside Zoladex injections every 4 weeks for 3 years, but have recently transitioned to tamoxifen tablets only based on my oncologist’s guidance.

Although being diagnosed with breast cancer at such a young age, without any reason as to why - purely just rubbish luck! - was the most difficult thing I’ve ever been through, I have overcome so much since and my positive attitude and lust for life have really pushed me through some of the darkest days.

Beyond breast cancer, I love to travel the world, spend time with loved ones (and my cat!), and you’ll most likely find me deep into a good book or listening to Taylor Swift on repeat.

Volunteering with Breast Cancer Now has been a blessing - I absolutely love to chat with others and help anyone going through something similar, as I wish I’d made use of the service when I was first diagnosed when I really needed it most.

If you ever need support or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at