About me
Hello, my name is Maggie and I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer when I was 41. I was in total shock, especially as I have no family history of breast cancer.
The days that followed my diagnosis were a whirlwind of hospital appointments and treatment.
The cancer was HER2+ and ER+ and it was treated with 6 rounds of chemotherapy (carboplatin, docetaxel, pertuzumab and Herceptin), a mastectomy and full axillary node clearance, radiotherapy and further courses of Herceptin.
2 years after treatment, I had a delayed DIEP flap reconstruction. I nearly talked myself out of the surgery many times, but wanted the end result and I could not be happier.
I’m married with fur babies (a cat and dog), and love walking, Pilates and interior design.
I had a delayed DIEP flap reconstruction. I nearly talked myself out of the surgery many times, but wanted the end result and I could not be happier.