
Image of Someone Like Me volunteer Catriona
In the summer of 2010, Catriona rolled over in bed and felt something in her right breast. 2 weeks later she was told she had breast cancer, and underwent intense treatment. The support Catriona found via this charity inspired her to become a Someone Like Me volunteer.
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Mastectomy and reconstruction
  • Single at diagnosis

About me:

In the summer of 2010, I rolled over in bed and felt something odd in my right breast. 2 weeks later I heard that heart-sinking phrase, ‘I'm sorry, it's cancer’, and underwent an intense regime of treatment starting with neoadjuvant FEC-T chemotherapy to shrink my tumour.

I had a skin-sparing mastectomy with immediate Latissimus Dorsi flap reconstruction and axillary node clearance as I had 3 nodes involved.

Once I had healed up, it was 25 zaps of radiotherapy including my underarm and collar bone areas. My cancer was ER-positive and PR-positive so I take tamoxifen; initially this was to be for 5 years but was extended to 10.

2 years after my mastectomy I had a reduction and uplift to my good side, as I had been rather lop-sided. Nipple reconstruction and areola tattooing was the final step of a long journey, but worthwhile as it gave me back some of my confidence.

I have mild lymphoedema on my affected (non-dominant) side, especially in my hand, which is well controlled by the use of compression garments.

At the time of my diagnosis I was 47 so fell between the cracks, being neither defined as a 'younger woman' or being of an age to be in the screening programme.

I really valued the Breast Cancer Now website, initially reading the excellent publications they produce, and later finding support via the online forum.

I wanted to give something back and really enjoy being a Someone Like Me volunteer.

Nipple reconstruction and areola tattooing was the final step of a long journey, but worthwhile as it gave me back some of my confidence.