A woman in a knitted jumper reading medical information

Living with Secondary Breast Cancer frequently asked questions

Secondary breast cancer is full of uncertainties. But you can count on Living with Secondary Breast Cancer to be there for you, no matter what. Read our frequently asked questions and get more information on our Living with Secondary Breast Cancer groups.

Access fund

Our services are always free, thanks to our generous supporters. But we know that using one of our services might still cost you money such as travel costs. We’re committed to supporting everyone affected by breast cancer to live well. So, if you need help covering the costs of using our services, we’re here. 

If you’re worried about the costs involved in using our services, email us at accessfund@breastcancernow.org or call 0345 077 1893. Please give some brief information about your situation, so we can try our best to help. We’ll get back to you in 2 working days. 

If you’re disabled and would like to use one of our services, we’ll do everything we can to make sure they’re accessible to you.

In person groups frequently asked questions

Do I need to come to every single group?

No. You can come to as many or as few as you’d like to.

What happens once I’ve registered?

Once you’ve registered for the Living with Secondary Breast Cancer service, we’ll send you an email with an invitation to join the group each month. To sign up to that month’s group, you just need to reply to the email and let us know you’re planning on coming along.

What if I don’t feel well enough to come?

We totally understand that you might not feel up to coming along for whatever reason. If you could let us know that’d be great, but don’t worry if you can’t. We won’t get in touch to ask where you were.

What do people talk about during the groups?

Conversations often focus on everyday issues and the impact of living with secondary breast cancer. They encourage the sharing of knowledge and first-hand experience with people who ‘get it’ in a way that no one, no matter how hard they try, can understand unless they’ve lived it themselves.

Sometimes the sessions may bring up themes and feelings that you find difficult. But the counsellor will be on hand to support you and the other group members.

If you don’t feel like sharing anything, there’s no pressure. You can just sit back and listen to the rest of the group.

Bear in mind that the groups aren’t a group therapy session, and don’t provide individual medical care or advice.

How many people are usually at a group?

Groups can range from 6-12 people.

Are there refreshments at the face-to-face groups?

Tea, coffee, water and biscuits are provided. If you have any dietary requirements, let us know when you register so we can make sure they’re catered for.

Will my healthcare professional be there?

We don’t usually invite healthcare professionals to the monthly groups.  They are an opportunity for you to talk openly about whatever’s on your mind with other people in a similar situation. We might invite your healthcare professional along to one of our quarterly expert speaker sessions or to observe a session to help them promote the service. We’d let you know beforehand in our monthly invitation email.

I’m aged 45 or under and living with secondary breast cancer – will there be others my age at the group?

It depends on the group. Sometimes there’ll be a few other younger people, and sometimes there might not be any. You’re more than welcome to attend any group.

Or you can join our Younger Women with Secondaries Together online sessions, for support that’s just for younger people. We know that it might feel like you’re the only younger person living with secondary breast cancer, but you’re not alone. In a confidential online space, you’ll meet other women your age who understand what you’re going through.

Are the groups private?

Yes. You’ll be in a confidential, safe space. The counsellor will help to create a safe environment for group members to be as open as they want to be. And everyone is reminded to keep the discussions confidential.

Do you have any COVID-19 Guidelines in place?

We want everyone to feel comfortable at our face-to-face events. Here are the steps we’re taking to keep you safe.

Contact us

If you have any questions that we haven’t answered, please get in touch at secondaryservices@breastcancernow.org or 0345 077 1893. We’re always here to help.

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Online groups frequently asked questions

Do I need to come to every single group?

No. You can come to as many or as few as you’d like to.

What happens once I’ve registered?

Once you’ve registered for the Living with Secondary Breast Cancer service, we’ll send you an email with an invitation to join the group each month. To sign up to that month’s group, you just need to reply to the email and let us know you’re planning on coming along.

We’ll then email you with the Zoom link to join the session a few days before.

What if I don’t feel well enough to come?

We totally understand that you might not feel up to coming along for whatever reason. If you could let us know that’d be great, but don’t worry if you can’t. We won’t get in touch to ask where you were.

What do people talk about during the groups?

Conversations often focus on everyday issues and the impact of living with secondary breast cancer. They encourage the sharing of knowledge and first-hand experience with people who ‘get it’ in a way that no one, no matter how hard they try, can understand unless they’ve lived it themselves.

Sometimes the sessions may bring up themes and feelings that you find difficult. But the counsellor will be on hand to support you and the other group members.

If you don’t feel like sharing anything, there’s no pressure. You can just sit back and listen to the rest of the group.

Bear in mind that the groups aren’t a group therapy session, and don’t provide individual medical care or advice.

How many people are usually at a group?

Groups can range from 6-12 people.

Will my healthcare professional be there?

We don’t usually invite healthcare professionals to the monthly groups.  They are an opportunity for you to talk openly about whatever’s on your mind with other people in a similar situation. We might invite your healthcare professional along to one of our quarterly expert speaker sessions or to observe a session to help them promote the service. We’d let you know beforehand in our monthly invitation email.

Do I need to have my camera and microphone on?

If you can, please keep your camera on for the duration of the meeting. It helps to make the group feel more connected. If your computer doesn’t have a camera, don’t worry, you can let us know in the chat. You’re welcome to keep your microphone on, but if you’re in a noisy environment, you’ll need to mute yourself when you’re not speaking.

I’ve never used Zoom before, can I still join an online group?

Yes, definitely. We’ll send you some guidance about how to set up Zoom on your mobile phone, tablet or computer. And if you’re still having trouble, one of the team will give you a call to talk you through it.

I’m aged 45 or under and living with secondary breast cancer – will there be others my age at the group?

It depends on the group. Sometimes there’ll be a few other younger women, and sometimes there might not be any. You’re more than welcome to attend any group.

We also have our Younger Women with Secondaries Together online sessions, for support that’s just for younger women [link here https://breastcancernow.org/information-support/support-you/younger-women-secondaries-together-online]. We know that it might feel like you’re the only younger woman living with secondary breast cancer, but you’re not alone. In a confidential online space, you’ll meet other women your age who understand what you’re going through.

Are the groups private?

Yes. You’ll be in a confidential, safe space. The counsellor will help to create a safe environment for group members to be as open as they want to be. And everyone is reminded to keep the discussions confidential.

Contact us

If you have any questions that we haven’t answered, please get in touch at secondaryservices@breastcancernow.org or 0345 077 1893. We’re always here to help.

Video programme frequently asked questions

How do I join the online video programme?

Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email that will contain your username and a link to create a password. You’ll need these details every time you want to log in to the online video programme.

Is the online video programme like a course?

No. The online video programme is a space that contains 25 videos about living with secondary breast cancer. You can watch them in any order, at your own pace and in your own time.

There’s a Forum area too. Here you can post questions so other members can share their experiences with you.

Contact us

If you have any questions that we haven’t answered, please get in touch at secondaryservices@breastcancernow.org or 0345 077 1893. We’re always here to help.