Medical disclaimer and confidentiality

Any medical information referred to as part of the Ask our nurses service or included in the health information on this website is given as information only and is not intended:

  • As medical diagnosis or treatment
  • To replace consultation with a qualified medical practitioner
  • To advocate or recommend the purchase of any product or to endorse or guarantee the credentials or appropriateness of any health care provider

We strongly suggest you consult a healthcare professional for specific advice about your situation.

Confidentiality information

Breast Cancer Now offers a confidential service for all clients. Confidentiality is vital to our reputation and the impact of our work. Any information disclosed through the helpline and Ask Our Nurses service will be treated in complete confidence by the team processing the information, and by the wider organisation.

Issues raised may be discussed between colleagues in the helpline and Ask Our Nurses team if necessary but personally identifiable data will be kept to a minimum. We will not share information with anyone else without explicit consent from the client concerned.

There are some exceptional circumstances where we will share necessary information with other health and care professionals and agencies but only when the interests of patient safety and public protection override the need for confidentiality, for example:

  • If we believe someone is at serious risk of harm, either from themselves or others
  • If we receive a court order requiring us to divulge information
  • If we are passed information relating to an act of terrorism, child abuse or any other criminal offence


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