Find the answers to common questions about our funding process.

If your question isn't answered here, please get in touch with our team.


  • Can I submit more than 1 application as a lead applicant?

    Yes you can, as long as you are submitting different proposals to different funding rounds, and only 1 per round. Please note, we consider the Project Grants and PhD studentships funding rounds to be in the same round as we discuss them at the same committee meeting. If you're unsure, please get in touch at

  • I have a scientific query regarding eligibility. Can you help?

    Please email Include your specific questions along with an abstract of your project.

  • I have a strong track record in research, but I have little experience in breast cancer research. Am I eligible to apply?

    Yes, we welcome applications from researchers looking to move into breast cancer research. In your application, it would help to show us that you have a good support network with breast cancer expertise.

  • I'm an early career researcher, am I eligible to apply as a lead applicant?

    Yes, we welcome applications from early career researchers. You should have at least two years of post-doc experience before applying.

  • Do you allow clinical research fellows to apply?

    Please contact to check on eligibility.

  • Can an applicant with a permanent position apply as the lead applicant?

    Yes, if their tenure covers the full length of the grant, but they cannot request their salary.

  • Do you accept applications from abroad?

    No, principal investigators must be based at a university, hospital or research institute in the UK or Republic of Ireland. But international collaborators and co-applicants are eligible on our grants.

  • Do you provide funding for Masters students?


  • Can I submit a project/PhD requesting consumables only?

    No, projects must include a researcher's salary.

  • Can I apply for a PhD student stipend within a project grant?

    No, you can only request a PhD stipend through the PhD Studentship scheme or the Improving Public Health, Equity and Wellbeing scheme.

  • I’m not sure if my proposal falls within the remit of the funding scheme. How can I find out?

    Our schemes welcome applications from a broad range of research fields, including clinical, biomedical, and psychosocial or behavioural studies, using both experimental and theoretical approaches. It’s crucial that your research proposal has clear relevance to breast cancer, and a potential benefit to people affected by breast cancer. Please see our strategic objectives for more details on our priority areas. Or get in contact with us at

Pre-submission application questions

  • I’ve been added as a co-applicant on an application, but I haven’t received an invitation to participate.

    This is likely because you have more than 1 account. Please contact us at

  • Can I apply to use tissue/blood/primary cells as part of my research?

    Yes, please contact our tissue bank team at as early as possible. They will help you with what you need.

  • I have submitted my application to other funding bodies besides Breast Cancer Now. Will this affect my application?

    We won’t part fund projects with other funders. If another funding body decides to fund your project, you must choose which funding you take. Please indicate on your application where you have submitted your application and when you will know the outcome.

  • Do I need to have the ethical approval or animal licence in place before I apply?

    No, some projects cant apply for ethics approval until they have confirmed funding. If you don’t have the ethics approval or animal licence in place when you apply, you need to indicate in the relevant part of the application form when you will apply for it. If your application is successful, we’ll need a copy of the approvals before the project starts.

  • Can a named researcher also be a co-applicant?


  • As part of our project, we will outsource some of the work to researchers based outside the UK or Ireland. How do we manage the finances?

    The host institution controls the funds. For any work taking place abroad, the overseas institution will request funds from the host institution. The host institution will then invoice Breast Cancer Now quarterly, as normal.

  • What are the conference costs in year 1? Can we change these?

    We must include conference costs as part of your funding. You can’t change the amount. We include these in year 1 for technical reasons but you can use these funds across the duration of your grant as suits you.

  • Should the salary include National Insurance and Superannuation (Employer Contributions)?

    Yes. Please separate these from the basic salary. When you input the figures for your requested salary, don’t include the national insurance and superannuation in the basic salary.

  • Do I need to include full economic costs (FEC) in the application?

    No, in line with other members of the Association of Medical Research Charities, we will pay only the direct costs of research. Please check our guidelines and email if you are unsure about eligibility.

Post-submission application questions

  • When will you announce the awards?

    You can find the outcome announcement dates for ongoing funding rounds on the funding scheme’s webpage. 

  • When should we expect the project expected to start?

    You should aim to start the research as soon as possible. You should start no later than 10 months after the announcement of awards.

Apply for a grant

You can apply online using our Grant Tracker.

Apply here

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