Around 55,000 women and 400 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the UK. And Unfortunately, these numbers are set to rise. We want fewer people to be diagnosed with breast cancer. And for the ones that do, we want them to have the very best chance of survival thanks to an early diagnosis. That's where this research comes in.
What’s our prevention and early diagnosis research about?
Our research covers many different areas. From better understanding why some people get breast cancer while others don’t and finding ways to prevent it.
To understanding what prevents people from going to breast screening and detecting both primary and secondary breast cancer early.
Right now, our scientists are making progress in every aspect of prevention, detection, and diagnosis. So that by 2050, everyone with breast cancer lives, and lives well.
Key facts
£7 million
Around £7 million worth of research happening now is helping us to prevent, detect and diagnose both early-stage and incurable breast cancer early.
Following 100,000 women, our Generations Study is one of the largest studies in the world into the causes of breast cancer.
Researchers estimate that around 1 in 4 breast cancers could be prevented.
Why do we need research into prevention and early diagnosis?
Right now, someone is diagnosed with breast cancer every 10 minutes in the UK. We know that around 1 in 4 of those cases could be prevented.
Our researchers are working hard to understand who’s most at risk of getting breast cancer - and how we can make sure they don’t.
But they’re also working to improve detection and diagnosis. Because the earlier we find breast cancer, the more likely treatment is to be successful.
What have we achieved already?
We've been funding research into prevention and early diagnosis for over 2 decades. See the difference it’s making.
Our prevention and early diagnosis research
The Generations Study
Professor Montserrat Garcia-Closas and Professor Amy Berrington
The Male Breast Cancer Study
Professor Montserrat Garcia-Closas and Professor Amy Berrington
Support our research into prevention and early diagnosis
Help us give people with breast cancer the best chance of survival.