Becky and Nessy, both nurse specialists, sat at a desk in conversation.

Younger Women Specialist Interest Group

1. Purpose of the group

  • To bring together nurses who work with younger women who have primary and/or secondary breast cancer, enabling them to share expertise and influence positive changes in patient care
  • To learn and share best practice and act as an expert group for nurses who want to change and help improve standards of care for younger women with breast cancer
  • To work with Breast Cancer Now's Policy and Campaigns team, providing expertise and commentary on behalf of younger women with breast cancer
  • To provide a peer support network for members and colleagues in practice, in recognition of the psychological demands of working with younger women with breast cancer
  • To share information and support on the treatment and care of younger women with breast cancer and to raise awareness of the support and information available from Breast Cancer Now for this patient group

2. Membership

The Younger Womens Specialist Interest Group is open to Breast Cancer Now healthcare professionals hub members who:

  • Are a breast care nurse, clinical nurse specialist, advanced nurse practitioner or research nurse who provides care and support to younger women (aged 18-45 years) diagnosed with primary or secondary breast cancer across the UK
  • Are interested in developing their clinical skills and knowledge required for working with this client group

3. Benefits and opportunities of membership

  • To hear from expert speakers about topics that are pertinent to younger women and their families, recognising the diverse needs and challenges of this patient group
  • To have the opportunity to improve the services for younger women that are provided in your hospital trust
  • To network with others working in similar roles
  • To have the opportunity to be an external reviewer of our health information

4. Meetings and updates

  • The group meets 4 times a year (3 virtual, 1 face-to-face)
  • The meetings include presentations and networking time
  • Attendance is voluntary
  • A hybrid approach (combination of face to face and virtual) will be available for those who are unable to attend the in-person meetings
  • The meetings are chaired/co-chaired by the nominated chair* and the Breast Cancer Now clinical nurse specialist (CNS) for younger women
  • We send out monthly email updates to the group

*The role of the chairperson

  • The chair must be a current member of the Younger Women’s Specialist Interest Group
  • The term of office is 2 years
  • The chair will meet with the CNS for younger women approximately 4 times a year prior to every group meeting to help shape the agenda of meetings and help find appropriate speakers

5. How can I join the group?

Join the group

To join the group, email

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