Information points are Breast Cancer Now leaflet stands which we provide free of charge to breast screening units, hospitals and hospices to display our health information.
Displaying Breast Cancer Now’s quality information
Our publications provide quality patient information at diagnosis and during treatment. We also have breast awareness leaflets and information on benign conditions.
The information points make this material easily available. It allows people to browse through information while they’re waiting in a healthcare setting or to take it home with them to read later. It’s also an easy place for healthcare professionals to signpost patients to if they want more information or support.
We can provide a volunteer to oversee the information point. They’ll order the publications needed for the information point, regularly visit it and keep it well stocked, up to date and tidy.
It’s great knowing that the information is organised for me, and it really attracts attention. Patients can easily see everything – they don’t need to ask. It means they’re better informed.
There are several sizes and types of stand to fit different locations. Please get in touch to find out more.
Find out more and order a stand
If you’d like to find out more or order a stand, please get in touch.