
Update: People with breast cancer are at the heart of the new national audits

We asked you what data should be collected in the new national audits for primary and secondary breast cancer so they reflect what’s important to people diagnosed with breast cancer.

Our successful campaign

For many years Breast Cancer Now has campaigned for data on secondary breast cancer to be collected. This data is vital to understanding and meeting the needs of those living with the disease.

Most recently, we campaigned for a secondary breast cancer audit to ensure this data is collected. Thanks to our amazing supporters, this was successful, and a new national secondary breast cancer audit is now in progress, to cover England and Wales. Alongside this, there will also be a new audit covering primary breast cancer.

The National Cancer Audit Collaborating Centre (NATCAN) is taking this work forward and they wanted to find out views on current issues in treatment and care for people with both secondary and primary breast cancer.

Understanding your priorities

It was important that the experiences of people affected by breast cancer were used to inform what data is collected, so that the audit reflects what is important to you in your experience of breast cancer. So, in April this year, we asked you to fill in a survey about what data you thought should be collected in this audit.

Over 300 people completed the survey – a fantastic result!

Your input is now being used by NATCAN to inform what areas the two audits will focus on. By taking the time to share your views you’ve helped ensure the audits will look at what matters most to people with breast cancer.

Looking forwards

You can keep up to date about with the audit for primary breast cancer and the audit for metastatic breast cancer on the NATCAN website.

You can also follow the audit on twitter:

National Audit of Primary Breast Cancer - @NAoPri_news

National Audit of Metastatic Breast Cancer - @NaoMe_news

There will other opportunities for you to inform the audit project.  Do keep a look out for these opportunities in the coming weeks. 

Share your voice

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Opportunities to share your voice

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