Breast Cancer Voices illustration showing a diverse group of voices

A new image for our Voices community

We’ve worked with Breast Cancer Now’s design team, with input from some of our louder Voices, to create a new image that will represent the diversity, passion and warmth of our Voices community.

Why we created an image

We’d love to get all of you in front of a camera and photograph the real Voices to show the diversity of experiences and personalities that make up our amazing community – and eventually we plan to do this!

But before we get there, and for those times where an illustration will work better, we wanted to create an image that we could use wherever we talk about Voices – whether on social media, in emails, or even in our monthly bulletin.

The image will communicate who we are – it will help people connect with the stories, experiences and personalities who make up our community, and say ‘you’re welcome’. In a small way, it will share the vision and values set out by our Voices co-creation team.

This is so important when we talk about Voices online and people find out about Voices for the first time – we want them to know they’re represented, they’re welcome and their experiences matter.

How did louder Voices get involved?

The image was initially designed on the basis of the vision and values that Voices established for our community from the beginning.

We then spoke to 15 louder Voices with a variety of experiences and perspectives about how they connected with the image and what they felt could be improved – as you can imagine, there was some very varied feedback! Some people loved it, some didn’t – and we tried to really listen to what each person was saying.

While we couldn’t act on every piece of feedback, there were some key themes that came through clearly:

  • More representation of older people
  • More representation of ethnicity or religion
  • A broader and integrated representation of people with different abilities and health conditions

We also noted some feedback around the use of pink and have created a more purple toned image that we can also use, depending on the context.

What now?

We’re really grateful to everyone who gave their time to help us develop this image – it may not work for everyone, but we hope that it will give a clear message about who we are.

In the next few months, we’d like to do a photoshoot to create more images of real Voices, so look out for that in a future bulletin if you’d like to be involved!

If you’re not already a louder Voice, and would like to receive personal approaches about activities like this and ad hoc emails about our more urgent requests in between bulletins, then contact 

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