Using complementary therapies during and after breast cancer
Categories: Complementary Therapy, BC Diagnosis
Categories: Complementary Therapy, BC Diagnosis
We’re updating our information and want to include quotes from people with positive experiences of using complementary therapies – during or after breast cancer treatment.
Breast Cancer Now Health Information team are currently updating our information on complementary therapies.
As well as giving practical information about a range of therapies, we’d like to share some quotes from people who have found complementary therapies helpful.
We want to make sure that real experiences are reflected in our information, and to share knowledge and suggestions that might help others.
Please fill out our survey about your experience using complementary therapies.
If you have benefited from massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy, mindfulness, yoga or tai chi, we’d love to hear from you, as these are the most common forms of complementary therapies.
But we’d also be interested in hearing about positive experiences with any other type of complementary therapies.
Anyone with experience of breast cancer, who has found complementary therapies useful for physical and emotional well-being.
This opportunity has expired. You can check out our Share your voice page for more ways to get involved.