Prescription envelopes at St Bart's hospital.

Informing decisions on changing hormone therapy brands

Category: Personal diagnosis

Join a patient advisory group and help researchers develop better support for people who are concerned about changing their hormone therapy brand.

What's the title of the study?


What's the project about?

Changing the brand of certain medication, such as tamoxifen, letrozole or anastrozole can be challenging for people. They may experience new side effects, or they may not have enough information to help them make informed choices. Sometimes, they may not feel supported in their decisions. This can lead to them pausing or stopping their medication if they can’t find a brand that suits them.

Researchers want to develop an intervention to improve the information and support people get around changing the brand of their hormone therapy. They’re working closely with pharmacists and breast cancer nurses to do this.

They’re holding some workshops to hear more about people’s experiences.

They also want to recruit patient representatives to sit on their advisory panel and shape the research.

The project is called the ENABLE study and is funded by the National Institute of Health & Care Research.

Who’s organising it?

Name of project lead: Professor Yolanda Eraso

Job title: Chief investigator

Organisation: London Metropolitan University

Email address:

Who can take part?

The researchers are interested in hearing from women who:

  • Have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are taking or have taken (in the last 12 months) hormone therapy drugs, tamoxifen, anastrozole, letrozole or exemestane, after initial treatment
  • Have experienced concerns about changing medication brands
  • Live in London

Why do you want me to be involved?

By attending a workshops or joining the patient advisory group, you can help the researchers understand better what matter most to people when they have concerns about their hormone therapy.

This in turn will ensure that the research reflects the priorities of people taking hormone therapy drugs.

What will you ask me to do?

There are 2 ways you can get involved in the research

Attend a workshop

The researchers would like to you attend 2 workshops at London Met University, where you’ll talk to community pharmacists about your experiences.

The workshops will take place from 2 to 6pm on

  • Thursday 10 October
  • Thursday 14 November

Refreshments are provided and travel will be reimbursed. You’ll also be offered a £75 Prezzie voucher to thank you for your time.

Join the patient advisory group

You’ll work with the researchers and other members of the group to help guide the research project.

You’ll provide feedback on different components of the intervention and things like how best to disseminate the results of the study.

As part of your group, you’ll be expected to attend 7 one-hour online meetings from September 2024-December 2025. These meetings will be held online and you’ll be offered a £50 voucher for each meeting.

How do I get involved?

If you’d like to attend the workshops, please fill out the online registration form.

If you’re interested in joining the advisory group, or want to find out more, please complete the online form.

If you have any questions about either of the opportunities, you can or email Prof Eraso at

When’s the deadline?

7 October 2024