Anjli, a service pledge patient advocate volunteer , typing on her laptop.

Encouraging regular giving to Breast Cancer Now

Categories: Patient & Carer

Complete a survey and give us feedback on 3 ideas for Facebook ads to help us understand how we can encourage people to give regularly to support our work.

What’s the project about?

As a charity, we rely on the generous giving of our supporters to help us fund our life-changing research and support. Social media advertising plays a key role in encouraging people to support our work.

We’ve developed 3 different adverts to encourage more people to support our work with a regular monthly gift. These adverts will be shown on Facebook to various different groups of people.

We'd like your opinions on these adverts to help improve them before they go live.

Who can take part?

The survey is open to anyone, although we particularly want to hear from people who’ve been personally affected by breast cancer.

Why do you want me to be involved?

It's important to have people with personal experience of breast cancer in this creative process to ensure that we're portraying a true reflection of what it's like to be affected by breast cancer.

The aim of this campaign is to encourage more people to support their work with a regular monthly gift, which will help us raise income to achieve our 2050 vision.

What will you ask me to do?

We’d like to you complete an anonymous survey. In survey, we’ll ask you to look at 3 different adverts (with an accompanying paragraph of text) and tell us what you think of them, and how likely you’d be to donate to us after seeing them. The survey should take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. 

You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to.

The second advert is about secondary breast cancer, which some people may find upsetting. You can call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 if you need support.  

Share your voice

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Opportunities to share your voice