Using photos to understand people’s experiences of secondary breast cancer

Take part in a research study aiming to understand people’s experiences of secondary breast cancer through photos and interviews.

What’s the project about?

The researchers would like to use interviews and photos to shed light on secondary breast cancer by giving people living with secondary breast cancer a creative medium to express their experience.

Using photos in research has previously been found to be both therapeutic to participants and provides deeper insight to people’s experience.

Who can take part?

You can take part if you've been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in the last 12 months. And if you’re over the age of 18 and live in the UK.

Both men and women can take part.

Why do you want me to be involved?

Doing this research will give you the opportunity to discuss and reflect on your experiences through using more than one method, which you may find helpful. This project might also help others make sense of their own experiences through relating to the research.

Secondary breast cancer is also under-researched area. Understanding the experiences of people living with the disease may help researchers and healthcare professionals to find ways to improve care and quality of life for this group.

What will you ask me to do?

You’ll be asked to take 5 photos over 2 weeks on your personal device. You’ll be given detailed instructions that will describe how to take the photos and what to include.

After that, you’ll be invited to an online interview. This interview will take place over Microsoft Teams and will take approximately 90 minutes. Here, you’ll discuss the photographs you have taken and your experience of living with secondary breast cancer. The questions will be open-ended, so you can share as much as you feel comfortable with.

The photographs aren’t mandatory and you can be provided with the questions in advance.

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