Understanding women's experiences of breast reconstruction

Complete a survey and share your experiences of breast reconstruction to help researchers understand how women can be better supported.

What’s the project about?

This project aims to understand more about women’s experiences with breast reconstruction after undergoing a mastectomy.

The researchers hope to use these experiences to improve support for people affected by breast cancer. This includes better understanding the psychological perspective of women undergoing breast reconstruction, and finding better ways to give information to them.

Who can take part?

Women who’ve had a mastectomy and breast reconstruction after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Why do you want me to be involved?

With your help, the researchers would like to learn more about women’s experiences with breast reconstruction. These insights will be shared with scientists and healthcare professionals to find ways to improve the wellbeing of breast cancer patients.

What will you ask me to do?

You’ll fill in an online survey. It’s entirely anonymous, and you can always withdraw from participating.

Answering these questions should take about 10-15 minutes, with some being open ended and others multiple choice.

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