Understanding how to improve breast screening attendance in England
Categories: Patient or loved one | Women | Age 50 to 70
Categories: Patient or loved one | Women | Age 50 to 70
Help researchers understand what factors influence whether or not women in England attend their breast screening appointments
Examining factors influencing breast screening uptake amongst women aged 50 to 70 in England as part of the NHS England Breast Screening Programme.
Over the past few years, fewer women are attending their breast screening invitation when they’re invited to an appointment. From 2022 to 2023, 3 million women were invited for a screening appointment in England, but only 65% attended. This is much lower than the 80% target that has been set for screening in England.
This research project is looking at what factors can influence how women feel about their breast screening appointment, and whether they attend. And they want to understand what could help women feel more confident to attend.
They’re focussing on women between 50 and 70 years who are part of the NHS England Breast Screening Programme.
The team hope that this research can help increase the number of women attending their appointments. This could lead to more women in England being diagnosed with breast cancer at an earlier stage, which means they’re more likely to have better outcomes.
Name of project lead: Sarah Chapman
Job title: Senior NHS Administrator
Organisation: University of Derby
Email address: s.chapman14@unimail.derby.ac.uk
You can take part in this study if you’re:
Your involvement will help the researchers to understand why women do or don’t attend their breast screening appointment and what specific barriers or enablers women experience.
It will help the team understand how to increase screening uptake in England improve health outcomes for women by ensuring breast cancer is detected earlier.
The researchers would like you to complete an anonymous online survey.
The survey will ask questions such as your nationality, marital status, religion, and family history of breast cancer. You will also be asked about your level of breast cancer awareness and your feelings about breast screening.
The survey should take no longer than 20 minutes for you to complete.
If you’d like to take part, please complete the online survey. The information sheet and consent form are at the beginning of the survey.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Sarah at s.chapman14@unimail.derby.ac.uk
11 April 2025
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