Reducing sleep problems in people with breast cancer

Join a focus group to help researchers develop self-help resources for people who struggle with sleep following a breast cancer diagnosis.

What’s the project about?

Difficulty sleeping, also called insomnia, is a common issue for people with breast cancer. So, researchers want to develop a self-help resource for people with and beyond breast cancer who struggle with their sleep.

To help design this resource, they want to better understand people’s experiences of sleep problems after being diagnosed with breast cancer. They also want to better understand what people know about sleep problems, and what the best ways are to give people information on this.

Who can take part?

Anyone over the age of 18 who’s been diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Why do you want me to be involved?

Researchers hope that by ensuring that their resources are informed by your experience, they could reduce the number of people with or beyond breast cancer who have sleep problems. And, it could improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of those who struggle with their sleep.

What will you ask me to do?

You’ll be invited to take part in an online focus group with 4-5 other people on Microsoft Teams. The focus group won’t take up more than an hour of your time. There are several focus groups taking place, and the researchers will check your availability beforehand to find a time that suits you.

You can schedule a focus group in the morning, afternoon, or during the weekend.

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