Quality of life of people living beyond breast cancer

Categories: Personal diagnosis and Primary breast cancer

Help researchers understand the effects of social identities and demographic factors on the quality of life of those living beyond cancer.

What’s the title of the study?

Social Identities and quality of life for those living beyond cancer

What’s the project about?

This research aims to explore and evaluate the effects of individual demographic factors and health inequalities on the quality of life of those living beyond cancer.

The include factors such as ethnicity, gender, sexuality, location, and socioeconomic status.

This research also aims to investigate the impact of a combination of these factors (intersectionality).

Who can take part?

You can take part if you’ve finished treatment for primary breast cancer and have been told in the last 5 years that there’s no evidence of disease (NED).

The researcher would like to hear from a wide range of people.

Why do you want me to be involved?

Your involvement in the project is important so that the researchers can gain a good understanding of how people’s social identity and demographic information impacts their quality of life after cancer.

What will you ask me to do?

You’ll complete an anonymous online survey that involves a series of multiple-choice questions about yourself and your quality of life. This should take around 30 minutes to complete.

How do I get involved?

Please complete the survey. There’s a participant information sheet and consent form at the beginning of the survey.   

If you have any questions, you can contact saskia at

When’s the deadline?

30 September 2024

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