Lynn, a moving forward volunteer in a pink BCN top, posing for photos on her laptop from a shoot in her home.

Long-term conditions and health information

Take part in an interview to help researchers investigate whether health information is difficult to understand for people who are living with multiple long-term conditions.

What’s the project about? 

Research has shown that primary care health information is often written at a level that’s difficult to understand for large parts of the UK population.  

The issue is made worse when people are attempting to manage multiple health conditions. 

This research is aiming to listen to people who are living with multiple conditions. The researchers want to understand how to improve healthcare information, so that people can easily get the information they need about their health conditions. 

Who can take part? 

You must be: 

  • Over 18 years old 
  • Living with multiple long-term health conditions 

The definition of long-term health condition for this project is any condition which has lasted for longer than a year and currently requires ongoing support. 

Why do you want me to be involved? 

By listening to the views of people living with multiple health conditions, the researchers hope to gain understanding on how to improve health information. This means making health information more accessible and easier to understand.  

What will you ask me to do? 

You can find out more by reading the participant information sheet.  

You’ll attend a single one-to-one interview of around 45 mins. This can be arranged at a date and time to suit you.  

Before the interview, you’ll be asked to sign an informed consent form and complete a short pre-interview questionnaire (of around 5 mins). 

The interview can be done online or via telephone (depending on your preference). The interviewer lives in London and where possible face-face interviews will be offered as an option. 

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