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Improving support services for under-served communities

An invitation to shape a future project looking at how to improve support services to make sure that they’re suitable for everyone.

What’s the study about?

The FORALL study will aim to explore support services that could help improve health and fitness after cancer to ensure they’re suitable for everyone.

The researchers would like to gather information from people who are not usually represented in research and healthcare services. This might include those from minority ethnic groups or individuals from areas that are more deprived. This will be done either through a 60-minute chat or through an online survey.

The conversation can take in person or over the phone, and you will be offered a fee to cover both your time and expenses. For the online survey, you will also have the opportunity to enter a prize draw for £100.

What are the criteria for taking part?

If you have experienced, or have cared for someone with, a diagnosis of breast cancer.

You must also live in Leeds or Bradford.

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