An Asian woman smiling outdoors

Improving cancer care for first generation ethnic Chinese people in Scotland

Complete a survey about your experience of healthcare and help researchers better understand the needs of ethnic Chinese immigrants affected by cancer in Scotland

What’s the study about?

This study aims to better understand how cancer services in Scotland can better meet the needs of ethnic Chinese immigrants who are affected by cancer.

By using interviews and surveys, the researchers hope to better understand the experiences of Chinese immigrants in Scotland who are receiving cancer care. They’d like to hear from people with cancer or their family, so that they can gather insights to improve services in Scotland.

Who can take part?

You can take part if you:

  • Are 18 years or older
  • Have had a cancer diagnosis
  • Live in Scotland
  • Are ethnic Chinese, from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Malaysia or Singapore

You can also take part if you’re a family member of someone with cancer who’s ethnic Chinese and lives in Scotland.

Why do you want me to be involved?

Immigrants living in a foreign country can often face challenges in their daily life, such as cultural and language barriers. Taking part in this study will help researchers understand the needs of this group, and how they can be better supported in the future.

What will you ask me to do?

You'll be asked to participate in an online survey and possibly an in-depth interview.

The online survey consists of multiple sections, depending on whether you have cancer or a family member of someone with cancer. The survey has English, simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese versions.

After completing the survey, we’ll ask you if you want to take part in a longer, more in-depth interview.

The interview will take 45-60 minutes, and you can choose to do it in English or Chinese. If you take part in an interview, you’ll receive a £20 Amazon voucher as a thank you.

If at any point you feel you need support, you can contact the Chinese Association of Cancer Care by calling them on 07508039775.

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