Anjli, a service pledge patient advocate volunteer , typing on her laptop.

Exploring different treatment options for local recurrence

Fill out a survey about your views on breast conserving treatment options for people who have breast cancer recurrence in the same breast.

What’s the p roject about?

At the moment, if you have a local recurrence in the same breast after a breast-conserving treatment (lumpectomy and radiotherapy), the international recommendation is to get a mastectomy.

But, in some specific clinical situations, it’s possible to consider a second breast conserving treatment. This means a second lumpectomy and radiotherapy of the tumour site.

A clinical trial comparing a mastectomy to a second breast conserving treatment would be difficult to conduct. So, researchers from across the UK, EU and US are working together to collect evidence for a second breast conserving treatment as an alternative treatment option.

The researchers want to hear from people affected by breast cancer about their feelings about the 2 treatment options.

Who can take part?

The survey is open to anyone, as it survey asks you to imagine a specific scenario.

Why do you want me to be involved?

By sharing your views, you’ll help the researchers understand what’s important to people when considering treatment for local recurrence. This means that the outcomes of the study will reflect the priorities and needs of people affected by breast cancer.

What will you ask me to do?

You’ll fill out a short, online survey that should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. The survey is anonymous, and your email address won’t be saved.

The questions were agreed by an international group of advocates from the US, EU, and UK. This means that some questions on the survey aren’t relevant for people living in the UK. Please answer ‘abstain’ those questions (e.g. questions about healthcare costs and insurance.

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