A young woman indoors with house plants and an apron on

Everyday activities following a breast cancer diagnosis

Exploring the long-term effects of a breast cancer diagnosis on women under 50, to help find better ways to support them.

What’s the project about?

This research explores how occupations (everyday activities) are experienced by women under the age of 50 who are living with and beyond primary breast cancer. Occupations include the routine things we do every day like getting dressed, bathing, preparing meals, providing childcare, shopping, hobbies and work. 

The researchers hope to better understand the long-term effects that a breast cancer diagnosis can have on a person’s everyday occupations so that they can find better ways to support women through and beyond their breast cancer experience. Participants will be asked to capture their experiences by taking photographs and then talking about what these photographs mean in two research interviews. 

Who can take part? 

You can take part in this study if you:

  • Are a woman
  • Are under the age of 50 years
  • Were diagnosed with primary breast cancerone to five years ago 
  • Completed treatment one to five years ago 

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