Clothing choices

Clothing choices after breast cancer surgery

Complete an online survey and help researchers investigate how people make clothing choices after breast cancer surgery.

What’s the study about?

Most people diagnosed with breast cancer have some type of breast surgery. Changes to your body after breast surgery can influence how clothes fit, and some people may want to buy new clothing.

Researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University want to better understand people’s experiences of choosing and wearing clothing post-surgery. And how different factors influence clothing choices.

Who can take part?

You can take part if you’ve had breast cancer surgery in the past 10 years and aren’t in active treatment.

If you’re currently receiving treatment for the psychological effects of a breast cancer diagnosis, or you’re in active breast cancer treatment, this topic may be distressing, and so it’s advised that you don’t take part.

Why do you want me to be involved?

The researchers want to better understand what people who’ve had breast cancer surgery want from post-surgery clothing. The results of this study will be shared in a clothing journal such as Clothing Cultures, where the findings are most likely to reach those who can put them into practice.

What will you ask me to do?

The researchers want you to fill out an online survey about your experience of choosing and wearing clothes after breast cancer surgery. This question will take around 30 minutes to complete.

You’ll have the chance at the end to express interest in taking part in a focus group where participants will discuss the results of the study.

How do I get involved?

Please fill in the survey. The participant information sheet and consent form are at the beginning of the survey.

When’s the deadline?

There is no current deadline for this survey. It's ongoing.

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