About you
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Do you have a connection to breast cancer?

If you select information about your health from the drop-down menu, we may use this to provide you with tailored breast health information, volunteering opportunities and to manage how we communicate with you. We may also use this information to better understand our supporters.

By selecting the information relating to my health status, I agree to Breast Cancer Now using the information for the above purpose. If you no longer want us to use your information in these ways, you can get in touch to withdraw your permission using the contact details on this form.

If none of these apply unfortunately you cannot be a Voice, but there are lots of other ways you can get involved.

Your level of involvement

As a Voice, we’ll send you our monthly bulletin with the month’s opportunities to get involved in a wide range of opportunities. The bulletin also includes stories from other Voices and news about the impact you’re having.

If you'd like to be more involved, you can sign up as a louder Voice. In addition to the monthly bulletin, louder Voices may receive emails throughout the month with more urgent, ad hoc opportunities, or personalised invitations based on the information you give us. We'll invite you to complete our Getting to Know You survey, where you can tell us more about your specific interests and skills, and sign up for a welcome call.

Please let us know your preferences below:

Equality and diversity

Breast Cancer Now is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion The following questions will help us understand a little more about you and your background.

Although they may feel personal, your answers are really valuable to us and will only be used to help us understand the range of people who get involved, and so we can ensure we're involving people with different kinds of experiences and ensuring our work is representative.

These questions are entirely optional. If in the future you don’t want us to use your information in this way, you can contact the Voices team to let us know at voices@breastcancernow.org.

Equality and diversity agreement *
Keeping in touch with Breast Cancer Now

We’d like to tell you about ways you can help further, including through donating, fundraising, campaigning and volunteering, and send you updates on our research, the support we provide, breast health information and our wider work to achieve our aims.

If you already hear from us, we will continue to contact you in the same way. If you don’t already hear from us, please tick the box if you are happy to be contacted by:

How we use your information

From time to time, we may contact you by telephone and post about Breast Cancer Now, to keep you updated on our work and ways you can help. You can change the way you hear from us at any time by emailing us at hello@breastcancernow.org or calling us on 0333 20 70 300.

To help us to work more efficiently, we may analyse your information to make sure you receive the most relevant communications, and to target our digital advertising. This may include using publicly available information. You can ask us to stop this at any time, by contacting us using the above contact details. You can read more about how we will use your information in our privacy policy.


From time to time the emails may contain confidential information, for example in advance of public campaigns we are working on. We’ll let you know you where this is the case. As a Breast Cancer Voice, we also ask that you keep any such information confidential.

Confidentiality *

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