How to pay in your fundraising
Congratulations! You’ve completed your fundraising. Thank you for your incredible support. All that’s left to do is pay in your donations in one of the following ways.
Pay by card
Pay in online or call 0333 20 70 300 to pay in over the phone. If you would like to do a BACs transfer, contact the team for the details you’ll need.
Your JustGiving page
If you have a JustGiving page, you can pay your donations into your page, and they’ll be sent to us automatically. If you’re paying in donations made by other people, we can’t claim gift aid on these, so make sure not to tick the box for Gift Aid.
Send a cheque
Make your cheque payable to 'Breast Cancer Now' and send it to Breast Cancer Now, 6th Floor, The White Chapel Building, 10 Whitechapel High Street, London, England, E1 8QS.
Please include a note with your contact information, details of your fundraising, and your Breast Cancer Now ID number – you can find this at the top of the welcome letter in your pack, or by contacting the team.
Go to the bank
Take your cash and cheques to the bank (we recommend Barclays), along with the paying-in slip from your fundraising pack. If you don’t have one of our paying in slips, contact us and we’ll send you one.
We'd love to hear from you
We always like to hear about what our supporters have been doing, and love to see photos from people’s events. If you’d like to share your story or send us any photos, please send an email to