A professional woman clapping at an event

Philanthropy and charitable trusts

Invest to help change the future of breast cancer

Make a lasting impact

We can work with you to ensure your gift makes a lasting impact on the lives of women and men affected by breast cancer. 

Get in touch with our team today.

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    Our research

    We continue to fund research into how we can prevent breast cancer, help save lives and live well with breast cancer.

    Find out more
  • A Black woman smiling and chatting to a support nurse

    Supporting life-changing care

    You'll be helping our breast care nurses, expertly trained staff and volunteers provide vital services and information to people affected by...

    Find out more

4 women in a cancer support group, chatting and smiling

Meet the trusts and foundations that support us

Multi-year grants from charitable Foundations and Trusts help us secure the future delivery of our services and fund life-saving research.

Find out more about the Foundations and Trusts that support us and how you could get involved. 

How we will work with you

A member of our team will work with you to make informed choices about the area of work that you would like to support. We are committed to ensuring that your gift is allocated in accordance with your wishes and that your support is appropriately recognised.

Recognising your gift

We like to get to know all of our key supporters to fully understand their specific interest areas and ensure that their gift is enabling an area of work that they are passionate about.

Our expertise

We are the UK’s largest dedicated breast cancer charity, with world-leading research and life-changing services. We will use our expertise to help you ensure your donation makes the most difference. 

Keeping in touch

We know that everyone likes to be communicated with differently, and we will work with you to ensure you are kept updated in the ways which most suit you.

Attend our special events

By working with us, we'll invite you to our exciting events where you can learn more about our work and hear from world-leading breast cancer researchers, people affected by breast cancer and meet like-minded individuals.

Holding your own event

If you're holding a special event and would like to support a charity, we would love you to choose Breast Cancer Now.

  • The Show 2-25 banner image with model profiles

    The Show

    It’s more than a catwalk. More than just clothes. Our amazing models are people living with or beyond breast cancer.

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  • Pink Ribbon Ball programme on table at the ball

    Pink Ribbon Ball

    A spectacular evening of glamour all in aid of celebrating Breast Cancer Now's ground-breaking research and life-changing support services.

    Find out more
  • The stage at a Bigger Bounce event

    A Bigger Bounce

    The evening involves top-class entertainment, some priceless auction prizes and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

    Find out more

Your support is essential to us

Our influential portfolio of research into breast cancer and life-changing services we offer would not exist without your support.

We will work with you to make informed choices about the area of work that you would like to support. Get in touch today. 

Get in touch