Explore top fundraising ideas for your £1,000 Challenge. From cake sales to sponsored runs, find fun ways to support breast cancer research and hit your goal.

Get together icon

1. Get together

Get together with friends, family, or colleagues for a cake sale, coffee morning, or ‘crafternoon’. Whether you're hosting a ‘Bake Off’ at work or a craft-and-chat event with loved ones, it’s a fun way to support breast cancer awareness. To raise extra funds, consider a free prize draw. Don't forget to visit our fundraising resources page to download a promotional poster for your event.

Jumble sale icon

2. Jumble sale

What better excuse to have a spring clean and clear the clutter, all for a good cause? Books, clothes, games – they could be treasure to someone else. Finding them a new home is a brilliant way to fundraise for our world-class breast cancer research. Find a local car boot sale, jumble sale, or sell your items on eBay or Facebook Marketplace and donate the proceeds to Breast Cancer Now.

sponsored challenge icon

3. Sponsored challenge

Crop your mop, give up something for a month, or seek sponsorship with pledges for hitting your target. Serious or silly, your commitment will make a huge difference. Get your friends and family involved—are you brave enough to let them style your hair or pick your clothes for a week? Share the evidence on social media and promote your JustGiving page to boost donations.

Get active icon

4. Get active

Organise a sponsored walk, run, swim, cycle, or golf tournament. Challenge yourself to run 1,000 miles, do 1,000 push-ups, or walk 1,000 steps. It’s a great way to get fit, have fun, and make a difference. Set a date, choose your activity, and spread the word. Encourage friends and family to join or sponsor you. Wear fancy dress or dedicate each mile to someone special for extra donations.

Quiz night icon

5. Quiz night

A fundraising staple and a great way to bring people together for a fantastic cause. Charge teams to take part and hold a prize raffle or auction for more chances to win and raise money. Write questions or find some online, gather friends and family, and get quizzing. Use our template answer sheet. Make it unique with a round on family history or photos. See our quiz guide for extra tips.

Parties icon

6. Parties, dinner and gala balls

Many fundraisers love hosting dinner parties, discos, or balls. Ask family and friends to help plan, promote, and assist on the night. More involvement makes it easier to get donations, sell tickets, and secure raffle prizes. Choose a venue and plan entertainment. Consider a theme, costume party, or just enjoy the night. Ensure the venue has necessary licences and insurance.

online fundraising icon

7. Set-up an online fundraising page

Setting up a JustGiving online fundraising page makes raising money quick and easy. Once set up, donations go straight to Breast Cancer Now. Share your story and provide updates on your progress. Share your page with friends, family, and on social media. If 10 friends sponsor you £10, that could be your first £100 and kickstart your £1,000 Challenge.

Ready to start planning your £1,000 Challenge fundraiser?

If you're ready to get started, check out our step-by-step guide to help you plan the perfect fundraiser.

5 step event planning guide

Make sure to read the legal information on fundraisers, it contains lots of important information you’ll need to know before you set out on making your event a reality. 

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