2 women researchers in their lab. They are both wearing white lab coats and standing in front of some equipment. They look serious.

New discovery reveals more targeted treatment for triple-negative breast cancer

Our researchers have revealed that targeting a protein called OTUD6B could be key in preventing aggressive breast cancer cells from continuing to grow, divide and form tumours. This exciting research could open the door to more effective treatments for difficult-to-treat cancers like triple negative breast cancer.

How cancer cells survive and spread

When cells grow and divide, they rely on structures called centrosomes that help organise the process. Cancer cells often have extra centrosomes, which can lead to errors when these cells divide and grow.

To avoid this, cancer cells can cluster their centrosomes together, which reduces the damage and allows these cells to survive. Research has shown that this process relies on a protein called KIFC1, and scientists have been working on ways to target this weakness.

Professor Judy Coulson and her team at the University of Liverpool explored the role of a protein called OTUD6B. They found that cancer cells need OTUD6B to make KIFC1, and showed it could be a promising target for future treatments.

Why OTUD6B matters in breast cancer

In this project, Judy and her team studied triple negative breast cancer cells to find proteins that control KIFC1 and centrosome clustering. Through this, they found that OTU6DB played a key role in controlling KIFC1.

Specifically, they found that OTU6DB helps maintain high KIFC1 levels, stabilises the protein and helps organise extra centrosomes.

Using advanced tools, the researchers then reduced OTUD6B levels and observed how the cancer cells reacted.  They found that whilst triple negative breast cancer cells with extra centrosomes depend on OTUD6B to divide and grow, normal breast cells do not.

Without OTUD6B, these cancer cells struggled to divide properly and eventually died. This makes OTUD6B a promising target for future treatments.

The researchers also analysed over 9000 tumour samples from people with breast cancer. They found that OTUD6B is often more active in breast cancers, especially triple negative breast cancer, and is linked to poorer long-term outcomes. 

A promising future

In the future, Judy and her team hope that targeting OTUD6B could lead to new treatments for triple negative breast cancer. By preventing cancer cells from clustering their extra centrosomes, researchers believe they could be able to kill these cells – without affecting healthy cells.

This discovery brings hope for people with triple negative breast cancer, which can be more aggressive.  Over 8,000 women are diagnosed with this type of breast cancer each year in the UK, and we currently lack targeted treatments. 

The study was published in EMBO Reports and was part -funded by Breast Cancer Now.

We’re very grateful to Art for Cure who helped to fund this work.

Help fund our research

Over 8000 women a year are diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in the UK alone.  To help us continue funding research that aims to improve survival rates and develop effective treatments, please consider donating.

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