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Toral and Kreena - on cancer in the South Asian community

In this episode, Laura talks to Toral and Kreena about breast cancer in the South Asian community, and the cultural expectations and taboos that surround a diagnosis.

Why are people still being branded as damaged goods just because they’ve had breast cancer? We have to change that narrative within our community.

- Kreena

Toral and Kreena talk about the challenges of having a breast cancer diagnosis as South Asian women, as well as their organisation South Asian Supernovas.

Toral and Kreena share their experiences being diagnosed with breast cancer as younger women. Toral describes the challenges of getting breast cancer three times, and Kreena talks about her infertility from breast cancer treatment. They both speak about issues they've faced during their cancer diagnosis and treatment, from the health system and within their community, focusing on the importance of self-advocating and challenging cultural norms. They also tell us about an organisation they set up, the South Asian Supernovas, which aims to improve breast cancer awareness and outcomes for the South Asian community.

Listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

You can watch this episode, and the rest of the season, on YouTube. A written transcript is also available.


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