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Sonia - on BRCA2 and fertility

When Sonia was diagnosed with breast cancer, she found out she had the BRCA2 gene. She talks to us about worries about her fertility and finding a community online.

This week, we’re talking to Sonia, who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 27.

When she was 14, Sonia lost her mother to breast cancer after 6 years of treatment. Because of this, having to receive the news that she also had the condition – and the BRCA2 gene mutation which causes it – was incredibly difficult.

To decrease the chances of her cancer returning, she opted to have a bilateral mastectomy and underwent chemotherapy straight away, meaning she didn’t really have time to consider how her life would be impacted.

I was in hospital for six weeks and I honestly believed that I wouldn’t make it out. So I started thinking about all the things I hadn’t done.

- Sonia

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