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Naz – On mental health and resilience

In this episode Laura talks to Naz about her research, her own breast cancer diagnosis, and how her organisation BRiC (Building Resilience in Breast Cancer) supports the mental health of people with breast cancer. She also shares insightful strategies to deal with the challenges faced by people after diagnosis and treatment.

Professor Naz Derakhshan talks all things mental health, during and after a breast cancer diagnosis.

Nazanin Derakshan is a professor who specialises in cognitive neuroscience of anxiety and depression. She founded and works at the BRiC Centre, an organisation that helps people who've had a breast cancer diagnosis feel less anxious and improve their quality of life.

You can find out more about The BRiC Centre or follow BRiC on:
Instagram @briccentre
Twitter/X @BC_Resilience
Facebook @resilienceinbreastcancer 

You can also follow Naz personally on:
Instagram @profnderakshan
Twitter/X @ProfNDerakshan

It’s about nourishing yourself. Mentally. Psychologically.

- Naz

Listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

You can watch this episode, and the rest of the season, on YouTube. A written transcript is also available.

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