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Nadia and Medina - on family support and breast cancer

Nadia was just 23 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She and her older sister, Medina, tell us how they were both impacted.

"The emotional side of it is so indescribable. You have no power to do anything"

During the first lockdown last year, Nadia found a lump in her breast. She wasn't sure if it had always been there and, at just 23 years old, did not feel immediately concerned that it was cancerous. However, after speaking with her sister, Medina, she decided to go and get it checked out.

The diagnosis came as a shock - not just to Nadia, but to her whole family. 

In this episode, Nadia and Medina tell us how they pulled together to support Nadia throughout her treatment, the taboos they overcame in order to talk openly about breast cancer, and their involvement in the ghd Take Control Now campaign.

I almost felt bad telling other people, because they couldn't do anything about it. Nothing they could say would make things better.

- Nadia

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