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Erin Kennedy - on early detection of breast cancer

In this episode, Laura talks to Paralympic athlete Erin Kennedy, about her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, and the importance of early detection.

Erin speaks about how she continued competing to win a gold medal during chemotherapy, then winning again after a double mastectomy the following year. She also voices her strong support for breast awareness, and the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Finally, Erin shares some insightful thoughts about how she felt it was important to write her own narrative, and not let breast cancer define her.

You can follow Erin on Instagram @erinmwj and on X/Twitter @erinwysocki


I want to be able to answer the how are you question with how’s my life going, not, how’s my treatment going

- Erin Kennedy
Paralympic Athlete

Listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. 

You can watch this episode, and the rest of the season, on YouTube. A written transcript is also available.

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