Nick at a party with his late wife Dawn

When my wife died of secondary breast cancer, I felt robbed of a future we could have had

Nick’s wife, Dawn, died just a month after being diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. He tells us about the life they shared, and how supporting Breast Cancer Now can help prevent other families from going through the same.

I had known Dawn almost my whole life 

My wife, Dawn, was diagnosed with primary breast cancer in April 2017. After various treatments, we thought she was fine. In July 2019, however, she was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, and unfortunately passed away the next month. 

We originally met at infant school, and we remained very good friends for a long while. I eventually made the first move by asking her to be my prom date. After that, we were together. I asked her to marry me after a month. 

We knew we wanted to start a family, so our first son, Charlie, came along, and then we had Ted. 

When Dawn passed away from breast cancer, I felt cheated. It robbed me – robbed us – of another 30 years of a great life we could have had together.  

I couldn’t have asked for a better mum for our kids. She was the glue to our family, and losing her meant we came unstuck straight away.  

Dawn began fundraising for Breast Cancer Now during her treatment 

One of the things I loved so much about her was that, as much as she loved our kids, she would help anyone else who needed it.  

In 2017, while she was in the middle of , she decided she wanted to make a difference for others. She was positive that the best way she could do that was by raising money for Breast Cancer Now, which she did by hosting an Afternoon Tea. It went so well, and we all really enjoyed it. 

Since then, some close friends and I have continued what she started.  

We can all see that Breast Cancer Now is such an important charity that needs help and support, and the help that they provide to other people is priceless. 

They were there for me when I needed them most. I needed to talk to someone I didn’t know, but someone who had experience with breast cancer. It was amazing to have someone put things into perspective for me in a non-judgmental way, and to be reminded that all the feelings I was going through were normal, and that I didn’t need to be ashamed of them. 

Nick, Dawn and family in the garden

No family should have to lose someone to breast cancer 

Every day, I look at my two boys and I see Dawn in them. Their mannerisms and their generosity, their humility, and their kindness – it's all her.  

No child should ever have to deal with what they have been through. 

The research that Breast Cancer Now funds is so important. What they have achieved in more recent years could have given Dawn - and others in her situation - more time to be with her family, and that is simply invaluable. 

I don’t want anyone else to go through what our family have been through in the last two years. But I know that, if Breast Cancer Now is able to help that, they absolutely will.  

Get involved in fundraising

Nick and his sons continue to fundraise for Breast Cancer Now to help other people who will be diagnosed with breast cancer. If you want to help us raise money for breast cancer care and research, you can order your free fundraising pack today.

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