Standing together to support Breast Cancer Now - Roseann’s story

After getting support from Breast Cancer Now, Roseann decided to give back and support our charity. Read about her pledge to stand together and help others affected by breast cancer.

Roseann with a bike and BCN shirt

What’s your connection with breast cancer?

It's been 10 years since I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) at the age of 34. Thankfully, I've been clear since, and my oncologist said I now have the same chance of getting breast cancer as someone who hasn't had a diagnosis. Scary and anxious words to be given, so saying this 10 years milestone is a relief is an understatement.

What support did you receive from Breast Cancer Now?

Breast Cancer Now was my support from day 1. When I had no idea where to turn, their Someone Like Me service connected me with someone else who had breast cancer. They were trained to help and close to me in age and diagnosis. It was great to speak to someone a bit further along who could give me advice and emotional support. It made me feel less alone, that my feelings were normal and that things would get better.

Ask Our Nurses was another incredibly helpful Breast Cancer Now service - especially when any ache or pain made me worry cancer was coming back. I was able to speak to a specialist nurse without ever feeling I was making a mountain out of a molehill.

After I completed my treatment, I wanted to say thank you and pay it forward by supporting Breast Cancer Now myself.

What did you do to support Breast Cancer Now?

Because of Breast Cancer Now, no one affected by breast cancer needs to feel alone and unsupported, and support from others is really what helps the most – support from Breast Cancer Now helped me feel strong, listened to, and cared for.

Once I was in a better place, I wanted to pay it forward, support the charity and help others affected by breast cancer.

So I decided to become a headstrong volunteer as well as a Someone Like Me volunteer, offering one-to-one support, like the volunteer gave me. I’m also fundraising for Breast Cancer Now. This year, I hope to raise at least £1000 to mark 10 years since my diagnosis. I've just completed the 300k cycling challenge, raising £750, and I hope to do the afternoon tea in August.

Will you stand with me and give a gift that could help someone affected by breast cancer today?

Roseann is making cakes for other people

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