Young Nick and Dawn. They both have dark hair, and in casual clothes. Dawn has her arms around Nick.

Remembering Dawn: Continuing her legacy by supporting the Omaze prize draw

After losing his wife, Dawn, to secondary breast cancer just a month after diagnosis, Nick wanted to continue her legacy. He shares her story as part of our partnership with Omaze.

Dawn's Legacy

Nick talks about his wife, Dawn, who passed away after receiving a secondary breast cancer diagnosis in 2019. He talks about her life, her legacy, and the importance of funding for Breast Cancer Now's vital research and services.

It all happened so quickly

My wife, Dawn, was diagnosed with primary breast cancer in April 2017. After various treatments, she was fine, up until July 2019, when she was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, and unfortunately died on August 28, 2019.

Young Nick and Dawn. They both have dark hair, and in casual clothes. Dawn has her arms around Nick.

Together since prom

We met at infant school. We were just very, very good friends. I actually asked Dawn to be my prom date. The first move was made, and we got together. I’d asked her to marry me after 1 month.

It came to a point where we wanted to start a family; Charlie came along, and then Ted.

Robbed of another 30 years

When Dawn died from breast cancer, it robbed me. It robbed us. I feel cheated of another 30 years of a great life together. She was the glue to our family. I just couldn't have asked for a better mum for my kids.

We were coming unstuck straight away. What I loved about her was that as much as she loved our kids, she would help anyone else who needed helping.

Dawn is in a bar looking at the camera and smiling. her hair is in short bob and she wears a block shirt and gold earrings,

Dawn wanted to make a difference

Mid-chemo in 2017, she wanted to make a difference. She was very positive. The best way she could do that was by raising money for Breast Cancer Now with an Afternoon Tea, which went so well.

And it all started from there. And myself and close friends have continued fundraising because we can all see that it's such an important charity that needs to be helped.

She’s making a difference in more ways than she knows. Her story helped Breast Cancer Now get selected as the charity for the Omaze house in Scotland. Dawn would be pleased that she’s still making a difference in this way. And that sharing her story will help other people in the same position as us. It helps us too, making sure her legacy lives on.

Nick and Dawn suited and booted on their wedding day. Dawn is in wedding dress and veil and Nick is in 3 piece suit.

The support was amazing

The help Breast Cancer Now give out to people is priceless. They were there for me when I just needed to talk. Speaking to someone who I didn't know, who had experience, was amazing. It could put things into perspective for me, but nonjudgmental, and reminded me that all the feelings I'm going through are normal and to not be ashamed of them.

No one should have to go through this

Every day I look at my 2 boys and see Dawn in them, their mannerisms, the generosity they've got, the humility they've got, the kindness they've got. No child should ever have to deal with what they've had to deal with.

Research that Breast Cancer Now funds is so important. It could have given Dawn and others in the same situation extra time, which is priceless. It’s priceless to Dawn, the person involved, and the family.

Nick and Dawn in the garden with their kids (2 boys). The eldest is blonde with glasses and the youngest hair brown hair and a blue shirt. Teh weather is sunny and they're all smiling at the camera.

Enter the Omaze Prize Draw and make a difference

I think it's so important that Omaze support Breast Cancer Now, because it can affect so many people's lives.

I don't want people to go through what my boys and I have gone through in the last 2 years.  If the Omaze prize draw can help Breast Cancer Now’s research and support, it will be life-changing for many people. 

We want to thank Nick for passing on Dawn’s legacy and sharing her story to support our partnership with Omaze.

Enter the Omaze Prize Draw

When you enter the Omaze prize draw, you could win the spectacular Omaze house in Gleneagles, Scotland and £100,000 cash.

Best of all, you’ll support our life-saving research and life-changing support so we can be there for people like Dawn.

Enter the Omaze Prize draw

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