My story podcast: Anita

Anita talks to us about how being honest with her children helped them cope with her breast cancer diagnosis.

When Anita was diagnosed with breast cancer, she and her partner struggled to tell her children about her diagnosis. They have since written a book for kids whose parents have cancer: B is for Breast Cancer.

Anita shares why she was open and honest with her children throughout her treatment.

She talks about how this has helped her continue to communicate with her children about her breast cancer and about her partner's medical condition.

I said, it's going to be a really hideous year, but hopefully we'll come through it, but we'll always tell you if anything will change...We promised that we'd always be honest with them and not keep anything from them.


Read Anita's blog for her tips on talking to children about breast cancer.

Subscribe to our podcast channel to hear talks with healthcare professionals - and personal stories about living with and beyond breast cancer.


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