Becca's personal story

My mum has always inspired me to live life to the full

After her mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, Becca took part in a Pink Ribbon Walk to show her support.

My Mum's diagnosis came out of the blue. She turned up a week early for the appointment, so I went along with her. The doctor originally thought her lump was benign, but after scans they realised she did in fact have breast cancer and it was fairly developed.

Before her diagnosis I knew very little about breast cancer and, rather ignorantly, didn't know how common it is – one in seven women in the UK will be diagnosed.

I remember feeling like I was in a surreal moment in time. I just kept thinking, 'My mum can't have cancer. She just can't.' My mum on the other hand remained calm.

I decided to do a charity walk to show my Mum how she has always inspired me. I was also keen to raise funds for all the fantastic people that supported her. Breast Cancer Now have been invaluable to me and my Mum throughout her treatment. To see my Mum at the finish line is a moment I will never forget.

Join a Pink Ribbon Walk

Show your support for everyone affected by breast cancer, like Becca and her mum, by participating in a Pink Ribbon Walk. Every step you take helps make a difference.

Join the Pink Ribbon Walk

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