Linda’s pink pancake recipe

After having breast cancer herself in 2010, Linda is holding a Pink Pancake Party with her household to raise money for Breast Cancer Now. Follow her recipe to make a batch yourself!

After having breast cancer herself in 2010, Linda is holding a Pink Pancake Party with her household to raise money for Breast Cancer Now. Follow her recipe to make a batch yourself! 

Linda’s story 

I was diagnosed with primary breast cancer in 2010 and had a course of radiotherapy, plus two operations. I’m happy to say I have been in remission since then. 

I wanted to raise money for Breast Cancer now because it’s an amazing charity and I wanted to show some support for the work being carried out - especially in these difficult times we’re living through! 

For pancake day, I would normally make the standard lemon and sugar pancakes (it’s usually just myself and my husband so we don’t go all-out), but this year we have been ‘locking down’ with a couple of extra family members, so we wanted to do something special. 

I think it’s a great idea to turn the pancakes pink – it adds to the fun but also raises awareness and starts conversations at the same time! 

How to make your own pink pancakes 

This recipe has been handed down from my 88-year-old mother. She made them for us every year and I have enjoyed using the same recipe for my own family. 


8oz / 200g plain flour  

A pinch of salt 

2 eggs 

1 pint of milk 

Vegetable oil 

Caster sugar – topping 

Lemon juice – topping 

(Just add a splash of pink food colouring for Breast Cancer Now!) 


Sieve flour and salt into a mixing bowl, add eggs and half the milk. Beat well, then gradually whisk in the remaining milk to make a thin batter.  

If you have time, leave the batter to ‘rest’ for ½ an hour, then whisk again and pour into a jug.  

Using a small non-stick pan, pour in just enough oil to cover the base, heat until a slight haze appears, then pour in enough batter to cover the pan thinly, tilting the pan to spread.  

Cook for about a minute until the pancake is set and beginning to curve around the edges.  

Ease a fish slice underneath and turn over to cook on other side. Turn onto a plate, sprinkle with caster sugar, roll up to keep warm while cooking the remaining mixture. Serve straight away!  


If you want to host your own Pink Pancake Party, make sure to join our Facebook group, where you can share recipes, pictures and fundraising tips, and set up your fundraising page.

Set up a fundraiser


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