Selfie of Judy in her kitchen. She's wearing a head band to cover her hair loss.

Judy is surrounded by support and trying to stay positive

When she was 38, Judy got the news she had both triple breast cancer and the BRCA gene. She’s trying to stay positive, through family, friends, her own strength, and Someone Like Me.

Can you tell us about yourself?

I’m a single mum with 3 children. I’ve always been very healthy, fit, and active. I love pole fitness, being out on my paddleboard, and taking my children to the beach. 

Judy is pole dancing. She's upside down on a pole wearing a pink and blue sports bra and bottoms, pink heels on a pink background.

Can you share your breast cancer story with us?

My bombshell was just after Christmas 2022, when they found a small lump in my left breast. In February 2023, I got diagnosed with triple negative grade 3 breast cancer.

I had a lumpectomy and chemotherapy, and 10 days after my first chemo cycle, I was hospitalised with neuropathy sepsis. They put me forward for genetic testing too, and I found out I had the BRCA2 gene.

I’m now waiting on my double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery.

How have your diagnosis and treatment impacted you?

I've tried to stay as positive as I can. I’m sharing my journey on Instagram, which has helped me cope with hospitals, hair loss, infections, and overcoming all my phobias. I’ve always had a phobia of hospitals, needles, and sickness. Although they aren’t gone, I've had to put up with them and try to suppress my fears.

Losing my thick auburn locks, even though I was trying the cold cap, was devastating to me.

How has it all impacted your son?

When William, my 15-year-old son, saw how upset I was, he had his head shaved to raise money. He set up a GoFundMe page for Breast Cancer Now, because he knew it supported me. And he raised £750.

Breast cancer affects all the family, and teenagers can struggle to express how they feel when a parent isn’t well. Raising money helped my son feel he was doing something positive for me.

I'm so proud of the way he's supported me through my cancer journey.

Judy and her son. He's the same height as her and in his school uniform.

How did you try to stay positive during this time? 

I’m lucky to have a Someone Like Me buddy from Breast Cancer Now, who understands what I'm going through. They listen to all my worries and moans. I'd highly recommend this to anyone going through this journey.

And I've been very lucky to have a supportive boyfriend, family and friends, who’ve all helped me through this difficult time. My pole studio raised money to send me and my children on holiday, which was absolutely amazing support for us all. I've even had friends come over and decorate for me to boost my spirits.

Have you been affected by breast cancer?

If you've been affected by breast cancer, then we have support for you. From our befriending Someone Like Me service, to our Ask the Nurse helpline and Moving Forward courses.

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