Jessica understands more than ever the importance of checking your breasts. She shares her story and passion for spreading awareness.

After finding a lump by chance, Jessica realised ‘more than ever how important it is to check your breasts regularly.’ She talks about her experience and her passion for spreading awareness, particularly to younger women like her.

Jessica with her daughter

What’s your experience with breast cancer?

While breastfeeding my daughter, I felt a lump in my breast. 2 weeks later, I went to a breast cancer unit, then fast forward a week, I was diagnosed with squamous metaplastic breast cancer, found in less than 2% of breast cancers. My world fell apart, but I decided to fight as long as my body would.  

I’ve had 6 rounds of chemotherapy and a mastectomy, and I just need a bit more treatment to zap any remaining cancer cells.

Has your experience changed your views on checking your breasts?

Absolutely. I’m not embarrassed to admit that I never checked my breasts before my diagnosis. I know I should have but I put it off when I was busy, and I think I was scared to find something.

Now I understand more than ever how important it is to check them and do it regularly. Spotting a lump early can make all the difference. I’m extremely fortunate to have found my lump – if I hadn’t been breastfeeding my daughter, I probably wouldn’t have found it early enough.

I really hope others can learn from my experience.

How did you feel as a young woman with breast cancer?

Being diagnosed with breast cancer at 36 was a huge shock. I was fit, ate relatively healthily, I’ve always been slim and I hardly ever drank alcohol. There is little history of cancer in my family. As my surgeon put it, it’s purely bad luck.

Now, it's important to me to spread breast cancer awareness to other younger women

Jessica holding a sign

Can you tell us more about your passion for spreading awareness?

Definitely - I’m now really passionate about raising awareness, particularly to younger women, and I do this on my Instagram @life_lemons_and_my_melons. Yes, breast cancer mostly affects women over 50, but there’s a growing number younger women like me being diagnosed too.

Younger women need to know it can affect their age group. They need to know the early signs and how to check for breast cancer. Learning and sharing some simple steps really can save lives.


As Jessica mentioned, breast cancer rates in younger women are on the rise. For women age 25 to 49, they've risen by 17% over the last 30 years*.

To stay aware of breast cancer symptoms and how to check for breast cancer, see our useful guide

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